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This month I am back on the stage for the first time this year with my quintet “Striking”. I wrote another album’s worth of material and we are in the process of tuning it up this spring. The music continues to be a mix of catchy melodies and glorious moments of improvised music. We are going to let loose and crack these songs open. There’s a whole lot going on for Jazz Appreciation Month. CATCH ME AND APPRECIATE ME:

Thank you to everyone who supported the Washington Women in Jazz Festival with your WWJF T-shirts, stylish pink WWJF sunglasses and, of course, your attendance!

A jazz musician who won a million dollars on the national lottery is interviewed by a newspaper reporter.

Reporter: Congratulations on winning the first prize. By the way, what do you do for a living?
Musician: I’m a jazz musician.
Reporter: Now that you have a million dollars, what are you going to do with all that money?
Musician: I guess I’ll carry on working until the money runs out.

Last couple weeks:

12 moods for Jazz: Langston Hughes Project with Ron McCurdy (trumpet and spoken word) at JMU

Jazz meets Bluegrass at Intersections Festival with John Kocur Quartet and Herb and Hansen.

Last night, DC Jazz Composers Collective at Twins Jazz. We crushed my new robot tune!

Busy month ahead!

It has been a wild year. Matt and I gave up our little apartment on Capital Hill, and decided to devote our year to traveling and creative vagabonding. Here’s some highlights:

Jan/Feb- We went to North Carolina, played with friends, made new friends, and did our own shows in churches, bars, and superfan’s houses.

March- Came back to DC for my successful second annual Washington Women in Jazz Festival.

May- My quintet “Striking” performed at the Kennedy Center for the Mary Lou Williams Women in Jazz Festival. 

June- We went to Michigan for the summer to hang out with Dievendorfs and have an inexpensive place to shed and write music. We played with so many great Ann Arbor friends like Ingrid Racine, Dan Bennett, Ross Huff, and Jesse Kramer.

August- We debuted our duo music at An Die Musik in Baltimore.

September- We recorded our first duo album! Will be out in early 2013.

November- We went on tour in Michigan/Chicago and performed for the 25th anniversary of the University of Michigan Jazz department.

December- I finished up the year with BCJO christmas concerts and a super sexy South American songfest with John Kocur.

The world did not end, leaving time for all my unfinished projects.

Ten things I am grateful for this year:

  1. A nice air mattress
  2. Having multiple Dievendorfs to cook for me 
  3. Cheap sublets
  4. A dry storage unit
  5. Jumper cables
  6. Spare bedrooms and floor space
  7. Good beer and great ideas
  8. Friends who will hoot after each song
  9. Fellowship on the bandstand
  10. Naptime

Above all, I am grateful for all of the support from family and friends that allows me to create music everyday. Thank you.

Looking forward to seeing you all again in 2013!

Amy K

My arrangement of “I’ll be home for Christmas” with the Bohemian Caverns Jazz Orchestra.

Amy K Bormet, Matt Dievendorf, and Chad Hochberg at Uncommon Ground in Chicago

Really enjoyed our Kalamazoo and Chicago shows this weekend. More to come! One more show in the midwest before we head back to DC.
U-M Jazz Alumni Concert with special guests Steve Rush, Mark Kirschenmann and the Creative Arts Orchestra.

Featuring Andrew Bishop, Jeremy Edwards, Dean Moore II, Vincent Chandler, Justin Walter, Amy Bormet, Jordan Young, Matt Dievendorf, Jordan Shapiro, Abby Alwin, Bethanni Grecynski, Ben Rolston, Matt Bauder, Jason Stein, Dan Bennett, Matt Endahl, Tim Flood, Jesse Kramer and Alana Rocklin.

Wednesday, Dec. 5, Stamps Auditorium, Walgreen Drama Center, 8 PM

Part of the 25th Anniversary of Jazz & Contemporary Improvisation Celebration at the University of Michigan.

Facebook event here

Thanks for all of the support we’ve had! Big love to Ashley and Benje Daneman, Chad Hochberg, Dusty and Nida Fillion!! 

Great to be back in Ann Arbor and hanging with wonderful people last night. Thanks to Rachel Mazer and the Canterbury House for having us! We went unlimited bowling after the show with Ann Arbor superhero Ingrid Racine. Looking forward to next week’s alumni show!
Hitting Kalamazoo tonight with more great friends, Ashley and Benje Daneman!