No Trick Pony rides again–

No Trick Pony 2/1/23 7pm at Arts Club DC
No Trick Pony is a Washington, DC power-trio. Consisting of seasoned DC veterans Amy K. Bormet (piano, voice), Keith Butler (drums), and Brian Settles (saxophone), the group presents a unique sound that most often finds Bormet constructing song, poetry, and harmony, above a quiet tornado of exploration from Settles and Butler underneath. Though each member is steeped in streams of traditionally defined music — jazz, popular music, punk, and classical, to name a few — the group tends to focus on a deconstruction of the strict barriers of jazz, exploring instead on the transitional points between composition and improvisation. Groove abounds as a way to moor the listener in these explorations, which have the uncanny ability to present as both song and not-song. No Trick Pony has appeared at The Duck Pond in Georgetown, Rhizome DC in Takoma Park, and was a featured billing as part of the 2022 Capital Fringe Festival.
Clip of 12/4 performance at Catalytic Sound Festival